Having a sporty kiddo is nothing short of a whole-family commitment, am I right!? Between getting them to everything, eating dinner at weird times, waking up early and being carted here, there, and everywhere - being a sports sibling is no joke!
Here are my top 3 tips on how to make life awesome for the siblings, and in turn, easier on you!
1. Loosen the reigns a little. I know, we have standards for manners, cleanliness, what's appropriate.... but when it comes to spending hours at the rink or field, lowering some of those just a little will make EVERYONE's lives easier! This is a big part of their life, and we want it to be fun! Is playing under the bleachers gross? Absolutely.
But will they enjoy it, probably meet other kids down there, and happily play through yet another practice? Yes, mama! Does it stress you out when they're running around the place, playing tag or capture the flag, dodging spectators and not-at-all sitting quietly?
Same same, but lowering our expectations so there is room for more fun is the name of the game here. Rink rats have a different code of conduct that includes checking the vending machines for loose change, leaving far dirtier than they came, and burning their energy off with any and every other kiddo they can find.
Let. It. Happen.
I draw the line at Hide + Seek, though. There's something about my littles hiding in the bowels of a hockey rink or the dark corners of a ball park that just doesn't sit right with me. Other than that? Our rules are: Stay in the area, use your manners, and stick with the other kids. If you find yourself alone? Come back to me. Otherwise? Have at 'er!
2. Keep a Kit. We have the BEST container that I keep in my vehicle, and it goes EVERYWHERE with us! In this snazzy little container (that I'll link for ya, obviously), we have everything from markers, scissors and glue, to tech decks, beads and string... when I tell you that this kit draws all the rink rats together and keeps them happily creating and playing for a while,.. i mean it! And having it set up and at the ready keeps your life simple, you don't even have to think about it!
Here's the American link: https://www.michaels.com/ia/frames/16-case-photo-keeper?component=WeeklyAds&path=promotions&com_id=wEPCle-dL And the Canadian link: https://canada.michaels.com/en/rainbow-photo-and-craft-keeper-by-simply-tidy/10468242.html
3. A drug baggie... full of coins! Tell me that's not what you think of when you see those little ziploc bags!? Or were your teenage years more innocent than mine!? Anyway, I bought a pack of them at the dollar store, and i put all of my loose change in them and keep one in the bottom of every purse/fanny pack.
Of course, we always pack snacks, yadda yadda,
but when the game goes into O/T, or you need to drag the sibs from the rink to the field to the pool, all after bedtime... it is vending machine money for the win! And quite literally, the littles feel like they win, which goes a long way when they're riding third wheel! I pull it out when they are getting squirrely, and despite my best efforts to feed them all the healthy things, sometimes a little junk food just saves the day! #highlyrecommend